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Crazy Purchases of Football Players: Messi's Supercar, Ronaldo's Hotel, and Beckham's House

Crazy Purchases of Football Players: Messi's Supercar, Ronaldo's Hotel, and Beckham's House

Footballers Don't Know How to Handle Money

Players have a primitive reaction to expensive items - see it, grab it. Scammers, dealers, and realtors earn hundreds of millions of euros each year by deceiving gullible buyers. Ronaldo owns real estate that has halved in value, but it doesn't bother him as he spent millions of euros on parties in his youth. In nightclubs, footballers spend fortunes. Richards, former Manchester City player, spent $150,000 in one night in Los Angeles.

Not Kokorin and Mamaev, but we're talking about almost 14 million rubles in one night, though Mike isn't as wealthy as Ronaldo. The total expenditures of footballers on drugs, alcohol, and prostitutes are incalculable, but we're talking about tens of millions of euros per year. During the pandemic, not only did Walker from Manchester City call elite prostitutes to his home with fresh coronavirus and STD tests, but many footballers also spend fortunes on escorts from social networks.

Players give money to friends and relatives for 'businesses' that will never exist. Huge and often foolish expenditures of footballers can be divided into categories. First - real estate. Houses for parents and themselves are logical, but owning three mansions worth tens of millions of euros, as well as unprofitable hotels, are extravagances. Ronaldo once bought a hotel for 140 million euros in Monte Carlo but didn't make a profit. John Terry spent over 50 million euros on houses.
Only one of Rooney's homes is worth more than 20 million euros. Beckham owns a 50 million euro property in London, even though he lives in the USA. It's strange for guys who spend half their lives on the road and don't need 10 bedrooms to buy three huge houses. Traveling is a great expense for any happy person. But you can vacation differently. Ronaldo left 20,000 euros in tips at a restaurant, and injured Neymar went on a cruise.

Good news - there's a price for a ticket, and the player is a bait. But on the cruise ship, there's a casino where Neymar can lose millions of euros. Gambling is another serious expenditure. Buffon and Rooney lost millions. Gillespie from Newcastle owed 8 million pounds. Many lost quietly, embarrassed to admit it. Against this backdrop, expenditures on clothes, accessories, and shoes seem minor. But there's another important category - transportation in various forms.

Neymar, Pogba, and Bale Don't Need Private Planes

It's not surprising that Messi and Ronaldo own planes. They are billionaires. But Swedish Ibrahimovic, Welsh Bale, Brazilian Neymar, and French Pogba also have private planes. Paul loved to show off, dreaming of being in the company of 'cool guys.' But a plane is an expensive pleasure even for a millionaire. Cristiano's plane costs $65 million, Messi's is $45 million, Ibrahimovic spent 26, and Neymar 22 million euros.

Private planes need maintenance, and flights are costly. Footballers occasionally sell old aircraft to buy new, expensive models. They pay for top-quality pilots to stand by. A whole team waits for when Neymar whimsically decides to fly with another model. Even the birth of his daughter hasn't changed the Brazilian's habits, though he persuaded the child's mother to turn a blind eye to a new round of infidelity.

Private planes were owned by Ronaldinho, Kaka, Beckham, and Rooney. Hulk recently got a plane. But does a team athlete need one? No, no one will allow a footballer to fly to a match separately. A plane makes sense for singer Taylor Swift, who flies almost daily on tour. Taylor lives in the air for a month a year; it's her job. Footballers' planes are for wives and mistresses, who could fly business class.

Scammers Conned Hundreds of Millions from Footballers

Among football people, there are cunning individuals who invested millions of euros in art. For example, coach Capello owns paintings. Messi bought a collectible Ferrari for 32 million euros, which he can sell for more at any moment. But such people are in the minority. More footballers have collections of new cars that lose value, break down, and require insane amounts of money for maintenance. But a car can be sold at a significant discount.

Worse, in the last five years, many footballers were deceived with NFTs (digital pictures for hundreds of thousands of euros) and cryptocurrency. Here is where players lost hundreds of millions of euros. Burned by various scams, footballers buy just expensive houses, not castles. Ronaldo has been doing this in recent years. But trading houses has a problem - the terrible taste of footballers. For example, one of the world's best architects fell out with Hazard and his wife.

The Belgian hamburger lover invited the expert to make changes to a mansion near Madrid and planned to ruin the house. Many of Ronaldo's properties have terrible designs. Taste can't be bought with money. Often, the watches and cars of footballers look awful. Thanks to fashion designers, only they 'upgraded' players - the Mbappe generation of footballers understands fashion better than the Evra generation. Patrice chose strange outfits and amused everyone at Manchester United.

A Significant Part of Players' Expenditures is Money Down the Drain

Almost every footballer has crazy, empty expenditures. And it's still good when it's gifts. Haaland spent 500,000 euros on watches for everyone at Borussia Dortmund as a farewell, not forgetting the club staff. Ronaldo gave a Greek island worth a dozen million euros to agent Mendes as a wedding gift. Ibrahimovic owns a 2.5 million euro hunting and fishing island in Sweden. Messi has a small yacht for 12 million euros, and Sergio Ramos has a boat for 6 million.

But neither Neymar's 11 million euro helicopter nor 90% of the cars in footballers' collections can be called smart purchases. The financial habits of many footballers are best illustrated by bankruptcies. Ronaldinho and Cafu lost millions of euros. Former Liverpool player Riise and England goalkeeper James spent more than they earned. Maradona declared bankruptcy when his debts reached 50 million euros.

Dubious people plan to bribe world football. The Super League wants to distribute 15 billion euros without backing them with real income. As we see from players' expenses, raising salaries hasn't made them smarter. If you give a footballer 10 million instead of one, he will spend it as often happens with lottery winners. The festival of stupid purchases will continue because salaries are not tied to the real income of clubs.

Is there any sense in signing football's death warrant by pumping in money not backed by income, if up to 70% of all billions are spent on payments to players who lack the brains to engage in profitable business and not buy things that will lose value in a few years? Why jeopardize football, entrusting almost all money to fools like Pogba and Neymar? This is the question to ask, as football could face the bankruptcy of entire leagues.